Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Walpole, Pemberton, Busselton

coming into Denmark

Main St

Denmark River, a great spot for morning tea

Walpole our next stop for 2 days 
Stingrays local  residents at the jetty in caravan park
and a Kookaburra

giant tingle tree

us looking through a hollow trunk

grandma Tingle, really did look like a grandma face

Damned swimming hole at Pemberton Caravan Park

Camp fire tonight 

getting started on our tram ride through the Karri Forest from Pemberton

Climbing the Gloucester tree

and the bicentennial tree


Cape Leeuwin light House
where the Southern meets the Indian Ocean
one ocean on one side
and the other from the other side

Augusta Marina .. quite impressive

had lunch in Margaret River Township, we were here10 years ago, can't believe how its grown from a small village to almost a city in that time

rained on us after lunch

Busselton Jetty it is looooong

and pretty
we took the tram ride to the end of the Jetty and back almost 2ks long 
at the end of the Jetty
Bunbury, on our way to Fremantle
and Mandurah on the way to Freo
funny decorative structures around Mandurah














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