Monday, 21 August 2017

Banka Banka NT to MT Isa Qld

Arrived at Banka Banka Station for 2 day stay
There are redbacks here
me washing the van
Ukulele sing along, early afternoon happy hour 
preparing for the evening campfire and another singalong
great setting for a bush campfire
me being  friendly with Marie one of the owners of Banka Banka
3 ways Roadhouse, filled with expensive diesel and  left the Stuart Hwy onto the Barkly Hwy heading for QLD
stopped at the Barkly Homestead for more expensive diesel,
the "Barkly Breeze" was doing it's job and virtually sucked the fuel out of the tank
Barkley Homestead bar  

long boring highway leading out of NT towards Qld

stopped at Avon Downs free camp for the night
Avon Downs Police Staion, lonely on its own, across the road from the campspot, no town, no roadhouse, just lights in the distance across the fields from the cattle station.

campfire again 
Leaving NT
and entering Qld, crossing our 4th border for this trip

Camooweal, the 1st QLD town we came to
Camooweal pub morning tea here....oh, just coffee and scones
The matt out side the Pub 
Camooweal main street, Sharon stood in the middle of the Barkly Hwy to take this, no chance of getting run over here 
long road in to Mount Isa 
Mount Isa birth place of champions
we have arrived



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